「Created on 06-11-2020」


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T: Today we have a special post! This past week, Clewd and I went on a free trip to the Great Turf War Museum of Technology for our monthiversary. He got real lucky and found tickets in one of those Crab Flakes cereal boxes- we were so surprised! We don't even eat Crab Flakes! The tickets we got covered the costs, so that was pretty great. We went walking some ways and riding the train other ways. Took a whole lotta time but we got there eventually! Was nice seeing the sights, it's not often I come around these parts. Neither did Clewd, I wagered- he really liked watching out the windows of the train.

C: A week before I found a pair of tickets in a cereal box, It was for a tour to The Great Turf War Museum of Technology. It was a bit far away but the trip was free so we packed our bags and went off! Already when we arrived I was a bit impressed at the size of the building and its surroundings. The museum supposedly had a lot of old war machines so it had to be big.

T: I was really impressed when we got there. I thought it would be some old dusty place full of little school children getting learnt on the Great Turf War, but no! I saw plenty of people our age. It was pretty relaxing to see that, though it did make me suspect those Crab Flakes. Was it really a one in a thousand chance for some tickets?! Or were they really handing them out to get the youth coming in....

C: At the entrance we were gathered with some other winners and a tour guide but we didn't feel like waiting and listening to that old woman's yammering, so we snuck away. I like to see old stuff so I was really fascinated by a lot of things they had. From authentic clothes to weapons to just straight up weird technology that I had no idea what it even was. Coolest of them all was the war machines and vehicles. Some of them were huge!

C: We asked a janitor to take our picture in front of one of the tanks and just when he took it Tricky swooped me up in her arms like that. I look scared but I wasn't; I was just surprised. The tank was pretty cool though. It's much bigger than it looks in the picture. We weren't allowed to go on top of it which kinda sucked but I did touch it a bit when nobody was looking. They also had a section for some Octarian military devices but that area was still under construction. There was no easy way to get in, but I really wanted to see if they had something on display. I heard the Octarian war machines were something else entirely.

C: After checking out the Museum for quite a while we got to the end at the gift shop. The guide and the tour group were there too so we easily snuck back into the group without anybody seeing us- we're good at that heh. The gift shop was pretty neat, they had a bunch of different trinkets, merch, and stuff. They also had these small sets you could put together into tanks and the like. I could feel my inner squib coming alive. Tricky found these really tough military shades which fit her really good, damn she looked cool. Shame it was all so expensive, I bet this is where the museum makes most of its money.

T: While the gift shop was rather expensive, it was fun looking through all these books and toys and memorabilia related to the military. I mean I'm not so interested in machines and tech like this, but Clewd was real chipper about it. There was a book I saw him looking through, but he seemed to put it back despite enjoying it. I grabbed it behind my back and checked it out while he was looking at the replicas, hehehe!

T: Before heading home, we hung out in the museum park. It was a rather nice, sun-shiney day. Clewd asked me what I had bought, and when I showed it to him his face totally lit up!! I mean, why wouldn't he?! Any nerd like him would definitely enjoy The Art of War: The Artists Behind the Machines. At least, that's the most I could assume.

C: On the way home I was sketching a bunch in my sketchbook. Just silly little doodles and drawings from things I remembered. Once I got going my mind was filling in the blanks with random shapes and boxes trying to make it into something. It's not much but it can be fun to look at. In the end I had a great time, it was a really fun experience and I'm surprised the day went by so fast. Usually museums are a drag but this was kinda sick. Definitely filled my mind with some new creativity which I'm going to put to good use. Thank you all for reading! Stay tuned for the next post!


Last night, after spending the day outside, Clewd and I hung out together and listened to music while working on our own things. We shared songs with each other, and despite the silence between us at times I felt a comfortable togetherness in it. The songs we listened to became increasingly mellow over time, and Clewd was entertained when I told him how a particular song he showed me sounded out a particular story in my mind. Being with him this way, it felt like bliss.

Eventually, he put on a song he wanted to show me. It was so beautiful, it moved me to tears. I was already crying a couple times before that (yeah, I know) but this made me love him so much more. The tropical sound, that tinge of sadness in the singer's voice, the wishfulness- it was a swath of dreams sung like cotton stuck into my ears. Dreamy.

Our music session came to a slow as we kept listening to the song, over, and over, and over again.... Clewd was growing sleepy, so we decided to watch a few episodes of that show we've been watching together. Despite telling me how bored he becomes of watching the same show so much at once, he's really come to adore the story and its characters. I'm happy for that. I hope Evangelion will be just as enjoyable.


Today was great! Me and Tricky was out enjoying the sun. First we had lunch and then after we went to the mall to see if they had anything cool.

We weren't getting anything but looking is fun too. Afterwards we went to buy icecream. (I got two scoops, one chocolate and one rasberry).

We walked in the park while talking and noming it was great! Then we sat down on the grass just enjoying the nice sun again and watching small boats go by.


Hello. My friend dragged me into this blog thing.

I guess it'll be fun though. My name is Clewd and I like to draw, ok bye


Hi, I'm Twicky. I started this page with Clewd. I'd like to be able to use this space to enjoy my time with Clewd even more, and remember the silly little things that happen throughout our days. Isn't that something to look towards?

I hope we can work this out together!
